We are engaged in the development and implementation of innovative software products and not only, including electronic devices, mobile applications and software for various platforms.
At the moment, the company develops and supplies insoles with integrated digital sensors Aprs tracker, as well as software for them.
  • Arsenii Morozov
    Captain, Candidate of Technical Sciences🤓

    I am an electronics and software developer, as well as the head of our company.
    Previously, I worked at Galileosky, Mirco, TGT and the New Technologies Design Bureau, where I was engaged in the development and creation of various electronic devices. In 2022, he graduated from the graduate school of KNITU-KAI and defended his PhD. I went for an internship at the Polytechnic University of Bari (Italy) for almost a year.🍕🍝.
    In addition, I have been playing football⚽️ and martial arts 🥋 since childhood. I like to travel and play the guitar🎸.
    I believe that technology helps to change the world for the better!
  • Gleb Konovalov
    Chief Designer

    Hi! I am an industrial designer and a designer (in total, the chief designer👨‍🎨) in the Ars trackers project. Previously, I worked at Mircosd, where I worked on the design and construction of various electronic devices. In 2017, he completed his bachelor's degree at KNITU-KAI, where he got acquainted with 3D design and modeling.
    In addition, I have been painting and cycling since childhood. I like to read about new technology, especially about aviation, and model concepts of aircraft.
    I believe that technology should be convenient for humans and look good.
  • Evgeny Sokolov
    Chief technology officer
    I am a software developer, and a bit of an electronics developer. In the early stages👶, he was engaged in the development of programs for the automation of various processes in the oil and gas sector at the facilities of PJSC Tatneft. Further, the main activity was the development of various custom electronics, worked at Mircosd and ICL Techno. I can write any program: from firmware for a small microcontroller, to a mobile application, and applications for Windows and Linux.
    Hobbies - reading books📓, working at home and in the garden :)

  • Global positioning systems: GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou
  • Local Positioning systems: Ultra Wide Band, Bluetooth Direction Finding
  • microelectromechanical MEMS systems: accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers
  • short-range wireless communication: Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy, ZigBee, Thread
  • long-range wireless communication: LoRa, LoRaWAN, GSM, GPRS, LTE
  • wired technologies: USB, CAN, Ethernet
  • network technologies: IP, TCP/UDP, http, websocket, etc
  • real-time operating systems: FreeRTOS, zephyrOS, mbedOS, ThreadX
  • The main programming languages are C/C++/C#, Python, Matlab

  • Hardware: PCB, rigid-flex PCB, flexible PCB
  • Firmware: bare metal, RTOS
  • Software: iOS, Android, Desktop, web, crossplatform
  • Design: graph design, 3D design
  • Analog signal processing
  • Digital signal processing: spectral analysis, filters, fusion, statistical processing, motion algorithms, etc.
  • R&D: scientific and technical research

Number: +7 (919) 638-57-37


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